Platform for the promotion of universal accessibility

How to do inclusive marketing? Physical media

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The adaptation of accessible content according to media includes:

  • OOH: Use clear and simple language, and ensure the accessibility of materials and facilities.
  • Events: Inform attendees about available accommodations, designate a person responsible for accessibility, and ensure accessibility of materials and facilities.Inclusive marketing
  • Radio: Use clear and simple language, and provide subtitles for people with hearing disabilities.
  • Stands: Use clear and simple language, and guarantee the accessibility of materials and facilities.
  • Packaging: Use clear and simple language, and provide information in braille or in accessible formats for people with visual disabilities.
  • Point of sale: Use clear and simple language, and guarantee the accessibility of materials and facilities.
  • Physical documents: Use clear and simple language, provide textual alternatives for images and graphics, and ensure the accessibility of forms and links.

In summary, the adaptation of accessible content includes the use of clear and simple language, the provision of textual alternatives for images and videos, ensuring the accessibility of materials and facilities, and the use of subtitles and tags suitable for structuring the content. These practices seek to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities.

The adaptation of accessible content includes the use of clear and simple language, the provision of textual alternatives for images and videos, ensuring the accessibility of materials and facilities, and the use of appropriate subtitles and labels to structure the content. These practices seek to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities.

In the Marketing and Communication Guide Inclusiva from ILUNION addresses diversity from the audience we target and how they consume the content so that it reaches them in the appropriate way.


How to do inclusive marketing? Digital media

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The adaptation of accessible content according to media includes:

  • Social networks: Use simple language, avoid the use of capital letters and italics, and use hashtags with the first letter of each word capitalized. Also, place hashtags and references at the end of the posts to avoid interruptions when reading.
  • Web Accessibility: Use appropriate HTML tags to structure content, provide textual alternatives for images and videos, use clear and simple language, and ensure the accessibility of forms and links.
  • Email marketing: Use clear and simple language, provide textual alternatives for images and videos, and avoid the use of special characters that may make reading difficult. Presentations: Use clear and simple slides, provide descriptive alternative text for images and graphics, and use subtitles for audiovisual content.
  • PDF: Use appropriate tags to structure content, provide textual alternatives for images and graphics, and ensure accessibility of forms and links.

The adaptation of accessible content includes the use of clear and simple language, the provision of textual alternatives for images and videos, ensuring the accessibility of materials and facilities, and the use of appropriate subtitles and labels to structure the content. These practices seek to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities.

In the Marketing and Communication Guide Inclusiva from ILUNION addresses diversity from the audience we target and how they consume the content so that it reaches them in the appropriate way.


How to do inclusive marketing? Inclusive marketing according to format

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It is important to adapt the content to guarantee access to it in different contexts. Depending on the format, it is important to keep in mind:

  • Video: Provide subtitles for the hearing impaired, and audio description for the visually impaired. It is important to include these elements during the creative process and ensure that they are legible and prominently placed 23.
  • Images: Provide descriptive alternative text (“alt” attribute) so that visually impaired people can understand the content of images 43.
  • Image carousel: Ensure that the content of each image is properly tagged with descriptive alt text to ensure accessibility 43.
  • GIFs: Avoid the use of GIFs that play in a loop, limit the duration of the movement to 5 seconds, and provide textual descriptions to ensure understanding by users with visual disabilities 32.
  • Emojis: Use emojis with precise textual descriptions to ensure their understanding by users with visual disabilities 32.

The adaptation of accessible content includes the use of clear and simple language, the provision of textual alternatives for images and videos, ensuring the accessibility of materials and facilities, and the use of appropriate subtitles and labels to structure the content. These practices seek to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities.

In the Marketing and Communication Guide Inclusiva from ILUNION addresses diversity from the audience we target and how they consume the content so that it reaches them in the appropriate way.


The importance of inclusive marketing

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Inclusive marketing and communication refer to practices that seek to ensure that messages, products and services are accessible and relevant to all people, regardless of their abilities, circumstances or individual characteristics. These practices focus on representing diversity, removing barriers, and promoting equity in communication and marketing.

In the context of inclusive marketing and communication, it is considered essential:

  • Diverse representation: Include people of different ethnic, cultural, gender, ages, abilities and orientations in advertising campaigns and communication content. This seeks to reflect the diversity of society and promote broader identification with the brand or message.
  • Accessibility: Adapt content and communication channels so that they are accessible to people with visual, hearing, cognitive or motor disabilities. This involves using inclusive language, providing textual alternatives for images and videos, and ensuring the accessibility of websites and digital platforms
  • Cultural sensitivity: Consider cultural and linguistic differences when developing marketing and communication strategies. This involves avoiding stereotypes and prejudices, and adapting messages so that they are relevant and respectful in different cultural contexts.
  • Ethics and social responsibility: Promote values of inclusion, equity and respect in all communications and marketing actions. This reflects an ethical commitment and social responsibility on the part of brands and companies.

The adaptation of accessible content includes the use of clear and simple language, the provision of textual alternatives for images and videos, ensuring the accessibility of materials and facilities, and the use of appropriate subtitles and labels to structure the content. These practices seek to guarantee accessibility for people with disabilities.

In the Marketing and Communication Guide Inclusiva from ILUNION addresses diversity from the audience we target and how they consume the content so that it reaches them in the appropriate way.


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