Navarre more accessible

Place: Navarre

Entity that promotes it: ANFAS, Cocemfe Navarra, Eunate and Iddeas Foundation

Entity type: Non-profit organization

Scope of action: General

Description of the performance / Activity:

More accessible Navarra, the comprehensive universal accessibility service promoted by ANFAS, Cocemfe Navarra, Eunate and Iddeas Foundation, has been awarded in the ‘Best Practice of Associative Cooperation’ category at the 2021 Awards. Awards that recognize national the best initiatives in favor of people with disabilities.

As recalled by the award-winning entities, Navarra More Accessible offers personalized advice and a common proposal for public entities and private companies in everything related to universal accessibility: urban environments and buildings, commercial premises, services, products, easy reading, communication, interpreters, training and awareness.

A job that includes the visit and analysis of accessibility problems, advice on the necessary adaptations and the evaluation of the work carried out, among other tasks. To this end, in addition to specialized technical personnel, it has people with disabilities (physical, intellectual, organic, auditory and visual) “who verify first-hand the accessibility of resources and services.” Altogether “it is the union of efforts of different entities specialized in different types of accessibility to offer a joint service and move towards a more inclusive society,” they explain from Navarra that is more accessible.

Related information:
Press release