The accessible, smart and sustainable house

Place: Itinerant ROADSHOW that simulates an Accessible, Intelligent and Sustainable home that runs throughout the Spanish territory

Entity that promotes it: ONCE Foundation and Royal Board of Trustees on Disability

Entity type: Public private collaboration

Contact regarding the action: Mercè Luz. 915065189 | Web:

Scope of action: The entire territory. The house has toured all of Spain in 36 locations, receiving a total of more than 70,000 visitors.

Description of the performance / Activity:

ONCE Foundation and the Royal Board on Disability collaborated on this project to create an accessible, intelligent and sustainable traveling house, housed in a mobile unit, whose interior emulates the home of any family: a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room and a toilet, among other rooms, assisted by specialized facilitators and designed to be accessible to any public, incorporating all types of devices for the enjoyment of all people. Through this action, the latest technical and technological solutions were announced in terms of accessibility in the field of construction and provision of furniture that allow us to contribute to the achievement of universal accessibility for all people, both in their homes and everywhere. type of public or private venues.

Budget: + than €500,000

Deadlines: The project was developed during the years 2016 and 2017
Replication possible: Partially: in digital and virtual format.

Related information:
ONCE Foundation YouTube video
Casa Domo article