Platform for the promotion of universal accessibility

From ONCE Foundation / Inserta Innovación we invite you to try our accessibility chatbot!

"" Inserta Innovación, an entity dependent on the ONCE Foundation, is working to ensure that new technologies take disability into account, an example of this is the INTELIDATA. INTELIDATA is a new chat that, based on artificial intelligence, is supported by the extensive knowledge of the ONCE Social Group on this matter. The operation of the chat is simple, the user can ask any question related to the disability and the chat will respond. It is still in development, so it may present some functionality and accessibility barrier, but it is already capable of answering a wide range of questions naturally, even if they are open-ended or challenging. From Inserta Innovación they encourage you to put it to the test.

TRY THE CHAT< /p> You can ask all the questions you deem appropriate. If you are a specialist in a specific type of disability, do not hesitate to put it to the test. After each question, the chat will ask you to evaluate the answer received. By evaluating the response, you are contributing to the improvement of INTELIDATA. The more people and entities help us test the system, the more useful and accessible it will be for everyone. Thank you for your time and consideration!

The UPV Digital Divide and Disability Chair launches an online course and three free basic guides on universal digital accessibility


The Chair of Digital Divide and Functional Diversity (DicaTIC) of the Polytechnic University of València, financed by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Generalitat Valenciana, has taken another step in its work for universal digital accessibility with the launch of three guides and a MOOC course (Massive Online Open Courses), with twenty chapters.

These materials contain information, advice and practical tools that allow anyone to acquire basic knowledge to make their documents, web pages and social networks, both private and professional, more accessible, without the need for technical knowledge. In all cases, the conditions and requirements derived from the different types of disabilities have been taken into account. They can be downloaded, free of charge, on the Chair’s website.

To achieve the best practical result, the research and development work of the guides and MOOCs have been carried out with the collaboration of professionals with extensive experience, as well as with the direct involvement of organizations that work with people. with disabilities in the Valencian Community and with the ONCE Foundation.

“The objective of this project is not only to develop materials, but to advance the sensitization and awareness of all people, organizations and professionals regarding universal accessibility. Let them know that, with the integration of some very simple practices and tools and, for the most part, accessible directly and free of charge, we can get communications that do not exclude anyone, with and without disabilities. In an increasingly digitalized society and economy, this principle is basic to guarantee real and effective equality for all people , in all areas of your life,” emphasizes Chele Esteve, director of the DicaTIC Chair, which has the support of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Art, Science, Technology and Society of the UPV.

“The collection of materials prepared by the Chair of Digital Divide and Functional Diversity of the UPV responds to the main objectives of the Network of Chairs of the Digital Divide Observatory of the Generalitat: Generate knowledge, raise awareness, raise awareness and promote concrete actions to move towards the goal of universal digital accessibility,” says Juan José Cortés, general director of Innovation of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, which has financed these initiatives.

The ‘Basic guide to web accessibility’, the ‘Basic guide to creating accessible documents’ and the ‘Basic guide to creating accessible content on social networks’ have been validated by a panel of experts who are part of nine associations and federations integrated into the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities of the Valencian Community (CERMI CV).

In addition to practical advice and tools, they provide context on the global situation in these matters, regulations, obligations, challenges and opportunities posed by new technologies and advances in areas such as artificial intelligence.



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