What was your experience at a music festival?

14 February, 2024


The Music for All Foundation is carrying out the largest study ever done on the accessibility of the country’s Music Festivals as part of the second phase of the ‘National Accessibility and Inclusion Plan’ subsidized by the Ministry of Culture.

This research will allow us to have an analysis of the reality of the sector that will serve as a reference to promote the implementation of more measures and improve the enjoyment of live music.

To participate, you just have to fill out a questionnaire of 2 questions (https://fundacionmusicforall.org/encuesta-accesibilidad-festival/).

The respondent has to answer about the accessibility measures they found at the festival and what would be necessary to make their enjoyment better.

You can take a questionnaire per festival as many times as there are festivals you have attended in the last 12 months.

The more people answer the survey, the better the study will be.

Thank you!

Source: Music For All Foundation