Editorial: National University of Distance Education and ONCE Foundation
Author/s: Rodríguez Ascaso, Alejandro; Martínez Normand, Loïc; Masso Aguado, Daniel
Year of publication: 2018
Subject: Public administration
Support: Epub
Europe is beginning to have legislation and regulations that require ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) accessibility in public procurement processes. This trend has already had a considerable impact in countries such as the United States and Canada, where the Public Administration only purchases products and services that are accessible to people with disabilities. The European standard EN 301 549 “Appropriate accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe”, which has been adopted by AENOR in Spain, establishes the functional requirements that will guarantee that ICT products and services are accessible to all people; from mobile phones to computers, including web pages. The requirements of this standard are oriented both for public procurement processes and for other uses.
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