Accessibility and Social Innovation in healthcare. ICT as a facilitator for efficient use of Healthcare II

Publication title: Accesibilidad e Innovación Social en la atención sanitaria. Las TIC como facilitador para un uso eficiente de la Sanidad II

Editorial: ONCE/Vía Libre Foundation

Author/s: ILUNION Tecnología y Accesibilidad, FUndació

Year of publication: 2021

Subject: Health

Support: Digital


This report is to seek new solutions to latent problems and challenges in the health field, focused on improving the quality of care for patients with disabilities in particular and for citizens in general, through a process of social innovation. and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This second year the work has focused on four specific objectives.1) Continue evaluating the accessibility of different scenarios in the healthcare field. 2) Identify the needs of patients with and without disabilities in accessing and using the healthcare environment and especially medical consultations. 3) Know the use that people with disabilities make of ICT in the different procedures and interactions with health services, as well as in the control of their health. 4) Devise solutions to improve universal accessibility in medical consultations by incorporating ICT.

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