Author/s: Regional Government of Extremadura
Year of publication: 2022
Subject: Built environment
Support: Digital
This manual aims to raise awareness among agents and professionals who make up the construction sector, both with a technical profile and executors, about the need to incorporate universal accessibility criteria in the exercise of their professional activity and their trades; the dissemination and promotion of these criteria from a simple document; in addition to pursuing a didactic and practical nature, since the aim is to have a document to support the work of professionals and operating personnel, which allows them an agile, clear and detailed consultation of the different options when integrating the actions of universal accessibility in the projects and works they develop. Therefore, the manual fulfills a technical and regulatory function, as well as a pedagogical function, in order to provide professional personnel in the sector with construction details and the design of the different most frequent work elements, in such a way that they guide their correct way of execution, giving answers to the most common errors and how to correct them. Aware of the difficulty of capturing in this manual all the casuistry of the different details of the work, it has been possible to bring the bricklayer or small construction company closer to knowing how to prevent the most common errors in their interventions, in towns and cities of Extremadura.
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