Accessibility at the Gran Teatro del Liceo in Barcelona

Place: Barcelona

Entity that promotes it: Barcelona Lyceum

Entity type: Public

Scope of action: Culture and leisure

Description of the performance / Activity:

For years, the Gran Teatro del Liceo of Barcelona has been committed to universal accessibility, offering different services such as: audio description, magnetic loop, easy-to-read plot summaries, tactile guides in Braille, etc. Following this line of work and thanks to the sponsorship of Aena, a collaboration began between the Liceu and the Aprenem autisme association to offer people with autism the theater experience in a welcoming and closer way. This collaboration began with the signage of access to the theater space itself, creating explanatory posters with an easy-to-read narrative, ARASAAC pictograms and real photographs, while friendly sessions or relaxed sessions were planned, which have a relaxation area. and specific lighting characteristics. Currently, work is being done on the adaptation of different works from the Petit Liceu to bring opera and dance to the entire public. To achieve this objective, plot summaries of the works are being made in easy reading and with the visual support of pictograms and real photographs. Since 2020, the Gran Teatro del Liceo has incorporated friendly sessions into its regular programming and on its website you can download the plot summaries of the works worked on so far.

Related information:
Website with show guides
Guide with pictograms