Royal Accessible Theater

Place: Madrid

Entity that promotes it: Royal Theatre

Entity type: Public administration

Scope of action: Culture and leisure

Description of the performance / Activity:

In its firm commitment to the accessibility of its shows to all people, the Teatro Real perfects its channels to help spectators with visual and hearing disabilities, with the ‘Teatro Real Aequible’ application, which allows you to follow an opera in real time through audio description and surtitling synchronized with the music and dramatic action.

The ‘Accessible Real Theater’ application, which is completely free to download and use, is available to all audiences on Google Play and the Apple Store.

The user only needs to download the application on their mobile phone and, once at the Teatro Real, scan a BIDI code located at the main entrance. In this way, you will access both the audio description and the surtitling of the show, according to your needs.

Related information:
Press release
App download