Author/s: Font, M., Andrade, N
Year of publication: 2020
Subject: Culture and leisure
Support: Digital
Access to and participation in cultural life is a right expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)* and in the United Nations International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). It is also a matter of commitment, respect and empathy to think that everyone has the right to enjoy on equal terms the different manifestations, activities, services and cultural spaces in their environment. In this framework, the museum as an agent of the cultural ecosystem is positioned as a space open to the participation of all people, regardless of their abilities, which interacts and responds to the interests of an enormous social diversity. The result of joint work between K6 Cultural Management and Elkartu (Coordinating Federation of People with Physical Disabilities of Gipuzkoa), this guide reinforces this vision and was born as a tool for reflection and action aimed at cultural agents to contribute to the generation of cultural practices more accessible and inclusive.
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