Cognitive accessibility in transportation. Understanding and use of spaces and information on board a Renfe High Speed train series 102. Barriers and facilitators for orientation and understanding from the user perspective

Publication title: Cognitive accessibility in transportation. Understanding and use of spaces and information on board a Renfe High Speed train series 102. Barriers and facilitators for orientation and understanding from the user perspective

Author/s: Study coordinated by the State Reference Center for Personal Autonomy and Technical Aids (Ceapat)

Year of publication: 2021

Subject: Transport

Support: Digital


Document that describes the results of a study on the ease of understanding the spaces and information on board a Renfe High Speed train, and various rail transport titles.
This work has been carried out with the participation of different groups of users, and with the aim of reflecting on the barriers and facilitators that make it difficult or favorable for anyone to make effective and satisfactory use of transport.

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