Madrid Metro receives the award for ‘Development of tourist accessibility’

Place: Madrid

Entity that promotes it: Town hall of Madrid

Entity type: Public administration

Scope of action: Transport

Description of the performance / Activity:

Madrid Metro is currently one of the most accessible metropolitan areas in the world. In fact, it has a total of 558 elevators and 1,711 stairs.
mechanics spread throughout the network. Currently, it is immersed in the 2021-2028 Accessibility and Inclusion Plan, which will enable 28 stations on the Madrid suburban network to be incorporated into the list of fully accessible stations, with the aim of facilitating transportation for travelers with reduced mobility. . In total, they will be installed
103 new elevators and 332 million euros will be invested in the project, which practically doubles the company’s previous Plan budget for the period 2016-2020.

Related information:
Press release