Easy reading guides “Cross-border Historical Gardens” JARCULTUR

Place: Castile and León

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Government of Castilla y León and Castilla y León Autism Federation

Entity type: Public Administration and Non-profit Organization

Scope of action: Entorno natural

Improvement obtained: El proyecto JARCULTUR "Jardines Históricos Tranfronterizos" se enmarca en el Programa Operativo de Cooperación Transfronteriza España - Portugal 2014-2020 (Interreg V-A) y entre sus actividades ha programado la ejecución de acciones que mejoren la accesibilidad física y cognitiva, impulsando el disfrute de estos espacios entre todo el público visitante. Se incluyen a continuación Guías de lectura fácil en español, portugués e inglés sobre el Bosque de Béjar (Salamanca, España) y Mata de Bussaco (Portugal) y una Unidad Didáctica en español sobre el Bosque de Béjar.

Description of the performance / Activity:

This initiative, framed in the Jarcultur project within the INTERREG program, has been promoted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Government of Castilla y León and developed by a multidisciplinary team coordinated by the Castilla y León Autism Federation. It is an Easy Reading resource that incorporates multiple visual aids and other measures aimed at facilitating access to information, and thus understanding and interaction with the environment. As a notable point we emphasize the incorporation of messages focused on detail with marked sensory weight and a great equivalence with the spatial tour that is carried out during the visit. However, the primary consideration of this project is the active participation of people with autism in the development of the guide, both in the content validation phase and in its translation into different languages.

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