The Spanish constitution in easy reading

Publication title: The Spanish constitution in easy reading

Editorial: Full Inclusion

Author/s: García Muñoz, Óscar

Year of publication: 2015

Subject: Easy reading, Regulations

Support: Digital


This version of the Spanish Constitution is a document adapted to easy reading, a writing technique that allows textual comprehension for people with reading difficulties. This is an adaptation that includes the entire content of the Magna Carta article by article, and includes a general introduction to the Constitution and an introduction to each constitutional title, which allows for a better explanation of the basic contents that are developed in the successive articles. The adaptation reaches the scope of the design, in addition to each article and complex word, which helps to reinforce the understanding of the document. This publication is not intended to be a legal document in itself, but rather an adaptation aimed at people who would not otherwise consider reading it. The objective of this version is, ultimately, that this fundamental regulatory text is known by all Spanish citizens and that, in this way, they feel included and can know and exercise their fundamental rights.

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