Editorial: Carpio Ponce, Ana Isabel
Author/s: Carpio Ponce, Ana Isabel
Year of publication: 2016
Subject: Built Environment
Support: Digital
In emergency cases, it is essential to have constructive, technical and/or organizational protocols that guarantee the evacuation of all people, and especially those people who have different abilities and who may be present. In the event of a catastrophe or accident that requires rapid evacuation, people with disabilities and the elderly are always at a disadvantage. One of the pending issues of legislation and regulations is to develop specific protocols regarding accessibility in fire protection systems and evacuation plans. This guide includes, in the first part, the architectural requirements and the necessary facilities so that a building can be evacuated with the maximum safety conditions, taking into account the different capacities that its occupants may have. In a second part, diagnostic sheets applicable to this type of buildings are designed to check detail by detail, requirement by requirement, if they are designed so that accessible evacuation could occur in them under maximum safety conditions.
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