Guide to basic guidelines on accessibility in field hospitals

Publication title: Guide to basic guidelines on accessibility in field hospitals

Editorial: Famma Cocemfe Madrid

Author/s: Famma Cocemfe Madrid

Year of publication: 2020

Subject: Health


The Federation of Associations of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities of the Community of Madrid (Famma-Cocemfe Madrid) has created this guide in response to the detection of accessibility problems in some field hospitals, arising as a result of the expansion of care areas. due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which made it difficult for patients to stay in these temporary facilities. It addresses the main accessibility requirements that any emergency healthcare facility must meet and which are related to access to the facilities, interior routes, transit areas or information points, where applicable. Among other aspects, it also contemplates that alarm and evacuation systems must have light and visual signals to guide evacuation, taking into account people with disabilities.

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