‘Digital Leaders’

Place: Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León, La Rioja, Madrid and Region of Murcia

Entity that promotes it: Full Inclusion, and Vodafone Foundation

Entity type: Non-profit organization

Scope of action: Technology

Description of the performance / Activity:

Plena Inclusion, a member of Somos Pacientes, and the Vodafone Foundation have launched the ‘Digital Leaders’ project to promote the involvement of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities in work activities through technology, taking advantage of their experience in cognitive accessibility.

As the organization explains, “the objective is to give people access to greater skills in the use of online coordination tools, the dissemination of projects or their own entrepreneurial project on the Internet, and online training and self-education. In addition, participants will delve into the development of online cognitive accessibility services: usability analysis.”

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Project information