Manual of Signage in Buildings and Public Spaces of Extremadura

Place: Extremadura

Entity that promotes it: Full Inclusion Extremadura, Office of Cognitive Accessibility of Extremadura, and Department of Health and Social Services of the Government of Extremadura

Entity type: Public collaboration - social entities

Scope of action: Communication

Description of the performance / Activity:

This manual aims to convey guidelines and good practices on preventive signage that will need to be implemented in public and private spaces, in relation to the new normal in which we are immersed. The transmission of the COVID-19 coronavirus can occur either by entering in direct contact with an infected person or by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.

In this manual, different types of signage will be reflected depending on the environment and/or space in which they will be implemented, from buildable spaces to outdoor spaces.

Related information:
Download the Signage Manual in Buildings and Public Spaces of Extremadura