Uninnova 2017 Award – Forhhss-Tea

Place: Spain

Entity that promotes it: Elena Olmos, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Entity type: University

Scope of action: Technology

Description of the performance / Activity:

Within the Projects category: Forhhss-Tea, by Elena Olmos, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, aims to implement “a non-intrusive, little annoying and little invasive methodology” to validate therapies in people with ASD using immersive virtual reality. The work project also points out that along with the use of immersive technologies with high ecological value, physiological metrics, gaze tracking, movement and facial expression will be incorporated, which will provide objective data on the behavior of users. “With this we intend to find new metrics that are related to the behavior of ASD and at the same time generate a safe training environment based on virtual reality exposure techniques. Simulation of environments”.

Related information:
Forhhss-Tea Tab
Uninnova Awards 2017