Uninnova 2017 Award – App&Town Compagnon

Place: Spain

Entity that promotes it: Mass Factory

Entity type: Company

Scope of action: Technology, Transportation

Description of the performance / Activity:

In the Product or Service section: ‘App&Town Compagnon’, by Mass Factory. It is an end-to-end assisted transport system for people with disabilities, seniors, minors and other groups, which allows travel by public transport through a mobile application and continuous monitoring of users from anywhere and device. Along with improving the quality of life of people with disabilities, the awards jury has assessed aspects such as the degree of innovation of the idea, or the viability, sustainability and scope of the project, which, among other topics, had to be addressed. those related to accessibility in mobility, buildings and their equipment, urban furniture or marketing and universal design.

Related information:
App&Town website
Uninnova Awards 2017