The emergency services of the Gregorio Marañón and Niño Jesús hospitals in Madrid offer a “tele-interpretation” service

Place: Madrid

Entity that promotes it: CNSE Foundation, FeSorCam, Madrid Health Service, Montemadrid Foundation and ONCE Foundation

Entity type: Public institution collaboration - non-profit organizations

Scope of action: Health

Description of the performance / Activity:

The emergency services of the Gregorio Marañón and Niño Jesús hospitals in Madrid offer a “tele-interpretation” service through videoconference to help patients with hearing disabilities who come to these centers communicate.

Thus, patients and healthcare personnel can understand each other thanks to an interpreter who, via videoconference, translates live to both, “with total independence, confidentiality and autonomy, without the need for an in-person interpreter and guaranteeing personalized health care.”

Related information:
"Two Madrid hospitals offer "tele-interpretation" to deaf patients", La Vanguardia