“Active Accessibility” Campaign Extremadura

Place: Extemadura

Entity that promotes it: JUNTA DE EXTREMADURA, APAMEX and FEMPEX

Entity type: Public administration

Scope of action: Built Environment

Description of the performance / Activity:

The “Active Accessibility” campaign has arisen from the collaboration between JUNTA DE EXTREMADURA (the General Directorate of Accessibility and Centers of the Ministry of Health and Social Services and the General Directorate of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development , Population and Territory), APAMEX (OTAEX-Technical Office of Accessibility of Extremadura) and FEMPEX. We find ourselves facing a new reality due to the global health crisis that we are experiencing and we must reflect on the model we want for our towns and cities in the future. In this sense, it is a priority to take measures and think about the vulnerable groups that during confinement have been an example for everyone. It is very important how the concept of “mobility unit” is introduced in the document. It is essential that our society gets used to using it and valuing it.

Replication possible: Yes

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