Accessible information and specific resources on the Oviedo City Council website for seniors and functional diversity during the COVID-19 crisis

Place: Oviedo

Entity that promotes it: Accessibility Area of ​​the Department of Social Services of Oviedo

Entity type: Public administration

Scope of action: Spain

Improvement obtained: Through the creation and adaptation of existing and newly created media, to guarantee economic, social, psychological, technological and personal support, adapted to new situations and which can be accessed from telematic media enabled with the purpose of protecting the health of people in the face of COVID-19, while addressing the needs generated in the rest of the areas that make up people.

Description of the performance / Activity:

From the Department of Social Services of Oviedo, from the area of
accessibility and with the collaboration of the Web Content area, the need has been assessed, in the situation we are experiencing related to COVID-19, to reserve a space for those most vulnerable people, and who may be enduring an increase in barriers, especially everything in access to communication, information and participation, such as older people and people with functional diversity.

Through these technological means we try to attend to the quality of
life and well-being of people, in these difficult times, thus trying to facilitate the maintenance of skills
through occupational activities.

Therefore, on the website you can participate through various activities, updated information in accessible formats and links to other resources, in addition to various manuals, to address and support some of the specific needs that may arise.


Replication possible: Yes

Related information:
Seniors section on the Oviedo City Council website
Functional Diversity section on the Oviedo City Council website

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