UNE-EN ISO 24504:2016 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Sound pressure levels of vocal advertisements for sound products and systems (English)

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-EN ISO 24504:2016 (Ratificada) Ergonomía. Diseño accesible. Niveles de presión acústica de los anuncios vocales para los productos y sistemas de sonorización (Inglés)

Current update: August 1, 2016 (Equivalence with the international standard: EN ISO 24504:2016, ISO 24504:2014)

Approval date: August 1, 2016

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Issue: Communication


This International Standard specifies methods for determining an appropriate sound pressure level for audible announcements in environments where ambient noise is less than 80 dB. The specified methods follow the concepts of ISO/IEC Guide 71 and include consideration of older people with reduced hearing ability to determine the sound pressure levels of advertisements. The voice levels specified in this International Standard are for public addressing products and systems

Geographic scope of application: International

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