EN 17161:2019 Design for all: Accessibility following a Design for all approach in products, goods and services. Expansion of the range of users (English)

Exact name (in spanish): EN 17161:2019 Diseño para todos: Accesibilidad siguiendo un enfoque de Diseño para todos en productos, bienes y servicios. Ampliación de la gama de usuarios (Inglés)

Approval date: March 15, 2019

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: CEN-CENELEC

Issue: Products and services


This document describes the organization-wide adoption of a process-driven Design for All approach to all aspects of design, development and manufacturing. The involvement of users, including people with disabilities, at all times is a central part of this approach. Accessible products and services are among the key results.

Geographic scope of application: Europe

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