Evaluation of the implementation of the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility in the curricula of undergraduate degrees at Spanish universities

Publication title: Evaluation of the implementation of the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility in the curricula of undergraduate degrees at Spanish universities

Editorial: ONCE Foundation / Via Libre

Author/s: Cátedra de accesibilidad

Year of publication: 2013

Subject: Education

Support: Digital


“The University and Disability Observatory takes the opportunity to reflect on the suitability of the reformulation of the cornerstone of the new degree degrees: the study plans. To this end, a proposal for an equal opportunities framework is proposed, from which to articulate the corresponding study plans. This proposal is contrasted with a sample of study plans recently approved by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, ANECA. With all this, we are able to reflect on the model and state of implementation of equal opportunities in the Spanish public university.”

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