UNE-EN 16584-3:2019 Railway applications. Design intended for use by PMR. General requirements. Part 3: Optical and friction characteristics

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-EN 16584-3:2019 Aplicaciones ferroviarias. Diseño destinado al uso por PMR. Requisitos generales. Parte 3: Características ópticas y de fricción

Current update: March 13, 2019 (Equivalence with international standard: EN 16584-3:2017)

Approval date: March 13, 2019

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Issue: Transport


This European Standard describes the specific requirements of “Design intended for use by PMR” for application in both infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as the evaluation of these requirements.

Geographic scope of application: Europe

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