The Discapnet Awards award “App&Town Compagnon” by Mass Factory as the best entrepreneurial project

Place: Canada, United States, Australia, France and Spain

Entity that promotes it: ONCE Foundation

Entity type: Non-profit organization

Scope of action: Spain

Improvement obtained: Guides public transport users with intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities through visual, auditory or tactile indications, offering real-time information on schedules and incidents to calculate the fastest routes, accompanying the user from start to finish on their journey."

Description of the performance / Activity:

The Discapnet Awards… in category C, rewarded the entrepreneurial project that stood out for enhancing ICT accessibility… DiscapnetApp&Town Compagnon is what is known as an end-to-end assisted transportation system. It is designed for people with disabilities, seniors, minors and other groups, and helps them when traveling by public transport. As? Through a mobile application and continuous monitoring of users from any place and device, which tracks the route from when it leaves their home or point of origin and their destination.”

Related information:
News on Discapnet portal
App&Town website