Mobile application: Accessible Medication Plus

Place: Spain

Entity that promotes it: ONCE Foundation

Entity type: Non-profit organization

Scope of action: Spain

Improvement obtained: “Free application that allows the consultation of updated information on medicines, either by capturing the barcode present on its usual packaging, or by entering the reference number or by name, fully accessible to guarantee its understanding regardless of the functional diversity of the user. This solution accesses part of the information included in the Health Knowledge Database (hereinafter, BDM) belonging to the General Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists of Spain and incorporates search options, an assistant for reading information aimed at patients and other services of interest to users.”

Description of the performance / Activity:

“Application that allows you to consult updated information about medicines, by capturing the barcode present on their usual packaging or by entering the reference number or your name.”

Related information:
Download Accessible Medication Plus on Google Play
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