Award for the universal accessibility project of the San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe Hospital

Place: Sevilla

Entity that promotes it: Ad Qualitatem Foundation

Entity type: Foundation

Scope of action: Sevilla

Improvement obtained: "As reported by the foundation in a note, the hospital center has carried out this Universal Accessibility Plan taking as reference the UNE-170001 standard in order to "achieve full equality of opportunity, facilitating accessibility for people with specified difficulties." .

Description of the performance / Activity:

“The II Ad Qualitatem Foundation Awards for the best Quality, Sustainability and Innovation initiatives in the Socio-Health Sector, which recognize those initiatives and projects that stand out in the field of quality promotion, have distinguished this year, among others, to the San Juan de Dios de Aljarafe Hospital in Seville, which has won the award in the second category, which values ​​the best institution, for “its project of Universal Accessibility, equal opportunities”

Related information:
Website of the San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe Hospital