Royal Decree 726/2011, of May 20, which modifies the Regulation on the conditions for the provision of electronic communications services, universal service and user protection, approved by Royal Decree 424/2005, of 15 of April

Exact name (in spanish): Real Decreto 726/2011, de 20 de mayo, por el que se modifica el Reglamento sobre las condiciones para la prestación de servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, el servicio universal y la protección de los usuarios, aprobado por Real Decreto 424/2005, de 15 de abril

Current update: December 30, 2018

Approval date: BOE no. 102 of April 29, 2005

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce

Issue: Technology


By means of this royal decree, the Regulation on the conditions for the provision of electronic communications services, the universal service and the protection of users, approved by Royal Decree 424/2005, of April 15, is modified with the aim of specify the terms of the incorporation of broadband into the universal service, established in article 52 of Law 2/2011, of March 4, on Sustainable Economy, as well as transposing the changes introduced into the internal legal system within the framework of universal service by Directive 2009/136/EC.”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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