Order SSI/2696/2015, of December 4, which establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies for beneficiaries of state centers for people with disabilities owned by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services

Exact name (in spanish): Orden SSI/2696/2015, de 4 de diciembre, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de subvenciones para personas beneficiarias de centros estatales para personas con discapacidad cuya titularidad corresponde al Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales

Current update: December 16, 2015

Approval date: BOE no. 299 of December 15, 2015

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality

Issue: General


“This order establishes the regulatory bases for the subsidies granted by the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso), charged to the credits of its budgets, to facilitate rehabilitation, mobility and communication, and the acquisition of health products. support for beneficiaries of state centers for people with disabilities owned by IMSERSO”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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