Law 27/2007, of October 23, which recognizes Spanish sign languages ​​and regulates the means of supporting oral communication of deaf, hearing-impaired and deafblind people

Exact name (in spanish): Ley 27/2007, de 23 de octubre, por la que se reconocen las lenguas de signos españolas y se regulan los medios de apoyo a la comunicación oral de las personas sordas, con discapacidad auditiva y sordociegas

Current update: August 3, 2011

Approval date: BOE no. 255 of October 24, 2007

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Head of state

Issue: Communication


“The purpose of this Law is to recognize and regulate Spanish sign language as the language of deaf, hearing-impaired and deafblind people in Spain who freely decide to use it, without prejudice to the recognition of Catalan sign language in its scope of linguistic use. , as well as the regulation of the means of support for oral communication.”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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