White paper on university and disability

Publication title: White paper on university and disability

Editorial: Royal Board on Disability

Author/s: Antonio Peralta Morales

Year of publication: 2007

Subject: Education

Support: Digital


There are three objectives of this white paper: to describe and analyze the situation of university students with disabilities, to identify weaknesses and good practices of the university system with respect to people with disabilities, and to suggest measures to guarantee accessibility and equal opportunities. this group in the university environment. The research provides very interesting data to understand the relationship between university and disability in our country, such as that students with some disability represent only 0.5% of university students and, furthermore, one in three is enrolled in the National University of Distance Education. For its part, the population with disabilities that has higher education is also scarce (3.5%), but its activity and employment rates are close to those of citizens as a whole, which confirms the need to continue eliminating barriers. of access and permanence in the university. Along these lines, the study confirms that, despite the progress recorded – improvements in physical accessibility, greater presence of content on disability in curricula, or generalization of support services –, greater rigor is needed when applying the regulations, as well as implementing additional measures to achieve more equitable participation in the Spanish university.

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