Editorial: Royal Board on Disability
Author/s: José Antonio Juncá Ubierna
Year of publication: 2012
Subject: Transport
Support: Digital and physical
This work, carried out by José Antonio Juncà for the Royal Board of Trustees on Disability, focuses on analyzing the degree of Universal Accessibility of transport under the jurisdiction of the General State Administration in Spain. To do this, he analyzes the current regulatory legal framework in our country, as well as the European and international ones, placing special emphasis on the deadlines established by said regulations for the implementation of pertinent actions in transport that guarantee universal accessibility. The study continues with an analysis of the current situation of Universal Accessibility in each of the modes of transport in Spain (rail, air, sea and road), identifying some good practices as well as evaluating their results, particularly positive in transport. railway, but deficient in road transport. After this analysis of results, the work proposes a series of strategic lines, both general and specific by mode of transport, that should be implemented in the future to guarantee universal accessibility of transport in Spain.
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