Editorial: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad
Author/s: Eduardo Díaz Velázquez, Cristina García García-Castro
Year of publication: 2018
Subject: Culture and leisure
Support: Digital
The Comprehensive Spanish Strategy for Culture for All was approved by the Council of Ministers on July 29, 2011 and created with the aim of responding to the needs and demands for accessibility and inclusion in the culture of people with disabilities, as well as the national and international regulatory requirements. It thus contemplates a series of measures aimed at guaranteeing the full participation of the group in the different cultural spheres and is made up of ten strategic objectives from which all the proposed lines of action are developed in detail.
This report presents the main results obtained from the evaluation carried out to determine the degree of application of said strategy in the different entities and public administrations. To this end, data on activities and services implemented in them between January 1 and December 31, 2016 have been collected. Based on the data provided by the participating organizations and entities, it can be stated that the application of the Strategy Spanish Comprehensive Culture for All in this period has involved the implementation of 6,544 specific actions, which have had an approximate cost of 2,277,517.69 euros and an estimated number of beneficiaries that reaches 285,215 people. Although it is evident that the results achieved could still be subject to improvement, it should be noted that the actions and measures related to accessibility and the inclusion of people with disabilities in the field of culture are being consolidated.
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