Editorial: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad
Author/s: Eduardo Díaz Velázquez, Cristina García García-Castro.
Year of publication: 2018
Subject: Transport
Support: Digital
This study, carried out by the Spanish Center for Documentation on Disability (CEDD), managed by the SIIS Center for Documentation and Studies of the Eguía Careaga Foundation, aims to analyze the degree of accessibility of the different means of public transport, mainly the responsibility of the Administration. General of the State. To do this, firstly, a systematic review of the available documentary sources and the information obtained from transport operating companies is carried out, to prepare a diagnosis and describe the existing characteristics in terms of accessibility of the main transport systems and modes. in Spain, showing both the existing deficiencies and the improvements that have been incorporated to date. The content and discourse of current regulations on accessibility are also analyzed, both at the state and regional levels. On the other hand, an attempt is made to know what are the main barriers that people with disabilities face and their needs in this area, through existing statistics and the analysis of complaints from users of the different transport systems. based on data obtained from the Disability Assistance Office (OADIS), the Ombudsman and the Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI). Finally, a series of examples of good practices developed in recent years regarding accessibility in different means of transport are provided and some conclusions and recommendations are drawn.
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