Challenge 8. Technology and older people

Publication title: Challenge 8. Technology and older people

Editorial: Ceapat

Author/s: Cristina Rodríguez-Porrero and Santiago Gil González

Year of publication: 2015

Subject: Technology, Seniors

Support: Digital


The publication presents an initial analysis of the motivation and opportunity for a publication that analyzes the implications of new technologies in the specific group of older people. It then continues with a presentation of the Spanish legislation related to the topic, the study of the demographic issue, ethical considerations, and the possibilities that technology offers to older people, including presentation of concepts, technical regulations, and analysis. of the dual role of older people as active agents of ICT and as recipients of the services they make possible. Finally, the document presents expert opinions and practical initiatives, ending with two chapters of definitions and abbreviations, works and bibliography, and an annex of normative documentation.

Inquiry link

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