Author/s: I Inclusive Education Forum
Year of publication: 2023
Subject: Education
Support: Digital
Responding to the call of the Spanish Center for Documentation and Research on Disability (CEDID), the advisory center of the Royal Board of Trustees on Disability, we have met at the 1st Inclusive Education Forum, researchers in the field of inclusive education in Spain with the purpose of putting in value the scientific knowledge and results derived from the research we have carried out supported by the evaluation procedures followed by the State Research Agency, dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
From the I Forum on Inclusive Education we firmly defend the value of science as an ally in the construction of public policies in the field of inclusive education. We are aware of the risk of simplifying the understanding of an ambition as complex and dilemmatic as the commitment to develop a more inclusive and accessible education for all students. But it also seems critical to us that the competent educational administrations recognize that there is useful knowledge to achieve inclusive education.
With that intention, we prepared and presented the Declaration for Inclusive and Accessible Education in Spain.
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