Cómo aplicar la Norma UNE-ISO 21902. Turismo accesible para todos. Requisitos y recomendaciones para las administraciones públicas y destinos turísticos

Publication title: Cómo aplicar la Norma UNE-ISO 21902. Turismo accesible para todos. Requisitos y recomendaciones para las administraciones públicas y destinos turísticos

Author/s: ONCE Foundation

Year of publication: 2022

Subject: Tourism

Support: Digital


The collection of guides “How to apply the UNE-ISO 21902 Standard” highlights the key aspects of this tool for administrations, accommodation, transport and tourist resources and facilitates its implementation in companies and services.
Public administrations and destinations that ensure the design of an accessible tourism offer through their policies and strategies should promote a series of actions within this regulatory framework.

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