Editorial: Spanish Disability Magazine
Author/s: Manuel Martínez Torán, Chele Esteve Sendra
Year of publication: 2022
Subject: Technology
Support: Digital
The purpose of this research is to obtain data that allows us to understand the digital divide to which the group of people with disabilities is exposed. The present study, which has had the Valencian Community as its framework, could be extended to the rest of Spain. To obtain the results presented, a quantitative measurement was carried out on a population of 390 people and a qualitative analysis on 35 of them, with different disabilities. The value of the study lies in its background, to the extent that there are few references to it in general reports on ICT in Spain and not enough studies have been identified on the indicators necessary to measure this type of situations. The main objective of this study is to establish a relationship between independent living, degree of exclusion and participation, and digital accessibility. In this way, the aim is to obtain objective references on possible technological gaps that both these people and the associative and assistance movement that represents them face. This study, carried out between March and July 2021, has had financial support from the General Directorate of Fight against the Digital Divide of the Generalitat Valenciana.
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