Editorial: Ramón Llull University and Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Author/s: Mariona Dalmau, Daniel Guasch, Ingrid Sala, Montserrat Llinares, Pilar Dotras, Maria Hortènsia y Climent Giné
Year of publication: 2015
Subject: Education
Support: Digital
This document is the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of The Universal Instructional Design Implementation Guide (Palmer & Caputo, 2002). It is a resource to support university teaching staff in their teaching practice and is applicable to any branch of study, subject, degree of teaching experience and level of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, master’s and doctorate). Specifically, the reader will find two large sections in this document. The first, whose title is Universal Design applied to university teaching: theoretical foundations and principles, familiarizes teachers with the bases of the Universal Design of Instruction (UDI) and its seven principles. The second, entitled Universal Design applied to university teaching: guidelines and strategies for its implementation, makes it easier for teachers to put into practice the seven principles of DUI in the planning and teaching of subjects.
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