Uninnova Awards 2017 – B-Up-Reader

Place: Spain

Entity that promotes it: Rafael Aparicio Sánchez, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Entity type: University

Scope of action: Technology, Culture and Leisure

Description of the performance / Activity:

In the Idea section: B-Up-Reader, designed by Rafael Aparicio Sánchez, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. It is an ‘analog’ braille reader with a tape of memory material, rolled with minimal space, which allows for the transport of a greater amount of text. It starts with recycled materials, to arrive at a design with ‘memory’ materials, which are capable of ‘remembering’ their shape and returning to it even after having been deformed. These materials can be used with a thermal or magnetic change, which reduces the space occupied by a text considerably. Thus, a braille book like ‘The Little Prince’, which would take up 500 meters in the conventional rolling system, on a tape with memory would require the equivalent of only two tapes, with the consequent ease of transport.

Related information:
Uninnova Awards 2017
B-Up-Reader tab