Editorial: ONCE Foundation
Author/s: Hernández Galán, Jesús (Direction and Technical Coordination)
Year of publication: 2019
Subject: Built environment
Support: Digital
The Technical Manual of Accessibility in Municipalities is the update of the Accessibility Manual for Municipal Technicians edited by the ONCE Foundation and the ACS Foundation in 2011. It is a reference and work manual that resolves technical issues and helps to correctly interpret clearly and with varied examples, the regulatory requirements regarding accessibility that are in force in our country, both at the regional and state levels. That was the germ with which this manual was born in 2011, and from the ONCE Foundation, the ACS Foundation and the Royal Board on Disability we understood that it was time to update its contents, given the new changes in matters of urban development “smart”, the technological advances associated with the life and use of the city or the work that is being developed in terms of adapting the accessibility conditions of cities.
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