Editorial: Royal Board on Disability
Author/s: García, A., ET AL
Year of publication: 2012
Subject: Culture and leisure
Support: Digital
The Royal Board on Disability publishes, with the collaboration of the Spanish Center for Subtitling and Audio Description (CESyA), this work dedicated to accessibility in the world of cinema. Starting from the characteristics of the world of cinema as well as the new frameworks that are being produced in the audiovisual world after the revolution of new technologies, the work presents the principles and practices necessary to guarantee audiovisual accessibility (subtitling, audio description, language of signs, accessible menu, etc.), as well as good practices and examples for filmmaking for all, through the audiovisual accessibility certification implemented with the CESyA Seal. The work is completed by an appendix with a “Basic methodological guide for video subtitling” that describes in detail how to perform subtitling of audiovisual works.
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