Law 15/1995, of May 30, on limits of ownership over real estate to eliminate architectural barriers for people with disabilities

Exact name (in spanish): Ley 15/1995, de 30 de mayo, sobre límites del dominio sobre inmuebles para eliminar barreras arquitectónicas a las personas con discapacidad

Current update: June 20, 1995

Approval date: June 20, 1995

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: Head of state

Issue: Built environment


«The purpose of this Law, in accordance with the social function that the property must fulfill, is to make effective for disabled people the right of Spaniards to enjoy decent and adequate housing, in accordance with articles 47 and 49 of “the Spanish Constitution and, consequently, with the provisions of Law 13/1982, of April 7, on the Social Integration of the Disabled.”

Geographic scope of application: Spain

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