UNE-CEN/TR 16427:2013 (Ratified) Intelligent transportation systems. Public transport. Information for travelers with visual impairments (TI-VIP) (English)

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-CEN/TR 16427:2013 (Ratificada) Sistemas inteligentes de transporte. Transporte público. Información para viajeros con discapacidad visual (TI-VIP) (Inglés)

Current update: December 1, 2014 (Equivalence with the international standard: CEN/TR 16427:2013)

Approval date: December 1, 2014

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Issue: General


This technical report is based on work carried out to define the scope of a possible technical specification detailing the information blind and visually impaired people need when travelling.

This information is primarily intended for users of road transport such as buses, trolleybuses and trams, but can also be used for subway, regional and intercity trains.

Geographic scope of application: Europa

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