UNE-CEN/CLC Guide 6:2014 (Ratified) Guidelines for the development of standards to take into account the needs of older people and people with disabilities (English)

Exact name (in spanish): UNE-CEN/CLC Guide 6:2014 (Ratificada) Directrices para que el desarrollo de las normas tenga en cuenta las necesidades de las personas mayores y las personas con discapacidad (Inglés)

Current update: February 1, 2015 (Equivalence with the international standard: CEN/CLC Guide 6:2014) (Overrides: UNE 170006:2003 IN)

Approval date: February 1, 2015

Effective: Yes

Entity that promotes it: European Committee for Standardization (CEN)

Issue: General


“The purpose of this guide is to help standards developers (for example, technical committees or working groups) address accessibility in those standards that directly or indirectly address any type of system that people use. This guide provides guidance for developing and writing appropriate accessibility requirements and recommendations in standards. However, while its intended audience is policy developers, this guide contains information that may also be useful to others, such as manufacturers, designers, service providers, and educators.”

Geographic scope of application: Europe

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