Editorial: CERMI
Author/s: Gloria Álvarez Ramírez
Year of publication: 2013
Subject: Public administration
Support: Digital
“This study pursues several objectives within its main purpose of supporting and guiding conflict management and resolution operators so that they can implement effective and inclusive interventions for people with disabilities. Firstly, we aim to disseminate among people with disabilities and their families the usefulness of alternative conflict resolution systems as additional and valid channels for the recognition and exercise of their rights… Secondly, we aim to ensure that the contents of This work responds to a script that includes and reflects the new conception of the person with disabilities derived from the “social model” that considers them an active subject of rights, capable of deciding for themselves, and that urges that society must assume a new way of relating to this population… Thirdly, we aspire for conflict management and resolution operators to know the conditions that must be met so that people with disabilities can actively participate in any conflict resolution practice…”
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